Saturday 29 October 2022

Confession with Blue Horses / Unser geteilter Sommer - Neuerscheinung!


Confession with Blue Horses gibt es jetzt auch auf Deutsch - als 'Unser geteilter Sommer', in einer wundervollen Übersetzung von Ulrike Sterblich. Es war wirklich schön und bewegend, die Geschichte bei ihrer sprachlichen Heimkehr zu begleiten und durch Ulrike Sterblichs elegante Übersetzung nochmal ganz neu zu erleben.

The messages that survived civilisation's collapse


How a young scribe's homework helped unlock an entire lost civilisation - and what he and other writers from the very distant past can teach us about everlasting scripts and languages. With some excellent advice from leading experts in decipherment and ancient languages on how to craft your own immortal message. One of them even made an actual clay tablet for this feature!

BBC Family Tree (new series)


For the past year, I've been editing Family Tree, a BBC series of online features about the latest global research on families, parenting and children's health and development. It's been an absolute delight to commission and work with so many talented writers, and shine a light on fascinating scientific insights and discoveries from around the world.

Check out some of our stories on the surprising benefits of traditional South Asian baby massage, the secret of Arctic 'survival parenting', and why rates of short-sightedness among children are soaring (to as much as 80-90% in some countries and age groups).