I work as an editor and correspondent for BBC Future Planet, an online series featuring environmental and climate solutions. Before that, I edited BBC Family Tree, a BBC online series exploring the latest research on families, parenting and children's health and development around the world. I also write my own freelance features for various publications. Here's a selection of some stories I've enjoyed researching and writing. I hope you'll enjoy them, too!
How an English castle became a stork magnet (BBC Future Planet, April 2024)
How safe are ski lifts? Let's go and find out! (BBC Future Planet, January 2024)
The flying scientists saving rare birds: Storms, an eagle attack, emergency landings, and a unique bond: these scientists in ultra-light aircraft led a flight of endangered ibises on a 2,300km journey to their new winter sanctuary. (BBC Future Planet, Dec 2023)
This bubbly invention makes wind farms safer for porpoises (BBC Future Planet, Nov 2023)
The plant kingdom's hidden half: The evolution of roots transformed life on Earth – and understanding them could help us to grow more resilient plants. (BBC Future, October 2022)
The messages that survived civilisation's collapse: The Sumerians, Maya and other ancient cultures created texts that have lasted hundreds and even thousands of years. Here's what they can teach us about crafting an immortal message. (BBC Future, August 2022)
The enduring power of Germany's 'school cones': Through wars and natural disasters, German parents have given their children sweet-filled cones to celebrate the start of school – and pass on a surprisingly powerful message. (BBC Future, December 2021)
The schoolgirls who defied the Stasi: 'Someone said, "What if we take him across the border?"' (The Guardian, May 2019)
The power of our hidden senses (BBC Future, March 2019)
How your language reflects the senses you use (BBC Future, Feb 2019)
'It gives you hope': the fight to save the fertility of children with cancer (The Guardian, Dec 2018)
How machines can help us crack the secrets of the ancient world (BBC Future, Dec 2018)
What is the best age to learn a language? (BBC Future, Oct 2018)
Can you lose your native language? (BBC Future, June 2018)
The crime scene investigators solving dolphin deaths (BBC, May 2018)
This lab explores the secret world of babies (BBC Future, March 2018)